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Matzeivah: The Jewish Headstone

jewish headstone with star of david

When someone in the Jewish community dies, it is important to mark their passing with a headstone. This is known as a Matzeivah in Hebrew. A Matzeivah can be simple or ornate, depending on the person’s life and death. At Fox Monuments, we specialize in creating Jewish headstones and etching inscriptions onto them. We provide monument inscription services all across New York.

double Jewish headstone

What is Matzeivah?

A Matzeivah is a Jewish headstone that marks the passing of a loved one. This stone is usually placed in a cemetery and can be simple or ornate, depending on the person’s life and death. Fox Monuments specializes in creating Jewish headstones and etching inscriptions onto them. Additionally, we provide monument inscription services to existing headstones all across the Tri-State Area.

What is the Origin of the Matzeivah?

The origins of the Matzeivah date back to biblical times. In the book of Genesis, we read about how Jacob erected a stone pillar at Bethel after he had a vision from God (Genesis 28:18). This stone pillar later became known as Jacob’s Pillar or the Stone of Vision.

“And Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. And Jacob erected a tombstone on Rachel’s grave” (Genesis 35:19-20)

Today, Jewish headstones are still made out of stone and they often have inscriptions with the person’s name, birth date, and death date. Sometimes there will also be a quote or bible verse etched onto the headstone.

Why is Matzeivah Important?

Matzeivahs are important because they help us remember our loved ones who have passed away. By having a physical headstone to visit, we can feel closer to them, even though they are no longer with us.

Whether you choose a monument that covers the grave, is a headstone, or a footstone, it serves 2 main purposes: to remember and to honor.

A monument is a physical embodiment of love that will last long after we are gone. It is a way for future generations to know who we were, what we did, and how much we loved them.

inscriptions on Jewish headstone created by Fox Monuments Long Island

Inscription and Style of the Matzeivah

When you etch the inscription on a Jewish headstone, it should be done with great care and thought. This is because the words on the stone will be there forever. Think about what you want to say and choose your words carefully. The inscription should be something that will bring comfort to those who visit the grave. Additionally, it can be helpful to talk to a rabbi about what to write on a headstone.

Here are some tips for writing a monument inscription:

– Keep it simple

– Use traditional Jewish symbols

– Write in Hebrew or English

– Include the person’s name, dates of birth and death, and any meaningful phrases or quotes.

Writing a monument inscription is a way to honor your loved one and keep their memory alive. Choose your words carefully and etch them into the stone with love.

When to Place the Matzeivah

While assumed that it must be placed 12 months after death, this isn’t true. In reality, it is usually placed immediately after shiva.

Fox Monuments will put the headstone in place. Then, the unveiling ceremony will be held after the Kaddish period. Typically, this is around a year following death.

The unveiling ceremony is a formal dedication of the Matzeivah. The rabbi will formally remove a veil, cloth, or handkerchief draped over the stone. The service has many elements, including the Kaddish. Additionally, the rabbi will suggest placing pebbles on the monument.



Matzeivah is the name that the Torah uses for a cemetery monument. It serves as an important symbol of honor. The headstone is placed as a reminder of the person’s life and their connection to the Jewish people. As such an important aspect of the mourning process, it is important to choose a Jewish monument company you can trust. Fox Monuments has decades of experience helping families create beautiful Matzeivahs. Give us a call today to get started.

Proper Attire at Jewish Funerals

Interestingly, a common question that many people ask about Jewish funeral services involves the best attire. Obviously, this is a question we ask ourselves on a daily basis – what should we wear? For most occasions, we have a pretty general idea of the best way to dress. However, when there’s been a profound loss and we want to pay our respects, we might question what is or isn’t appropriate. Last month, we discussed flowers and how they’re inappropriate for Jewish funerals.


What do I wear to a Jewish funeral?

In this post, we’ll break down the policies regarding attire for Jewish funeral services…

1. Colors & Clothing

Obviously, when it comes to wake or funerals, solemn and conservative clothing is your best option. Here in the U.S., we wear dark clothing throughout the stages of mourning. (Additionally, in many eastern cultures, they wear white to funerals, as black is unlucky to them.)

Since this is a time of grief and mourning, bright and lurid attire definitely is not acceptable. Obviously, anything you put on should be neat, clean and tidy. Men should stick with suits, slacks, ties and dress shirts. Women should wear dresses in the black, brown or grey shades. Additionally, women should keep in mind that while it’s a formal occasion, you may have to walk through unstable cemetery terrain. While you want to be respectful, you should also be comfortable.

2. Yarmulkes

One of the touchstones of the Jewish religion is the yarmulke. At any formal Jewish occasion, like weddings or funerals, people use them to cover their heads. Most people pronounce yarmulke as “yah-muh-kah.” The word is Slavic for “skullcap.”

Essentially, a yarmulke is a representation of one’s firm commitment to the Jewish faith. Usually, men wear yarmulkes at formal Jewish occasions, like when sitting Shiva. However, it’s not unheard of for some women or girls to wear them, as well. No matter your creed or faith, most men or women wear yarmulkes to formal Jewish occasions. Usually, the chapel or family will provide them for all mourners present to wear them out of respect. At many Jewish funerals, women choose to wear scarves or lace head coverings.

3. Dressing for the Weather

Usually, Jewish grave site burials take place any day, any time of the year, regardless of inclement weather. If the funeral is scheduled to take place throughout the summer months, you should still place a high priority on dressing appropriately. Obviously, you want to be comfortable but still keep it tasteful and respectful. There are ways to stay cool and comfortable but also remain formal!

If the burial takes place throughout the winter, naturally you’ll want to dress as warmly as possible. Remember gloves, hats, scarves, and umbrellas if it’s raining!



At Fox Memorials, creating Jewish monuments to honor those we’ve lost is our mission. For years, we’ve helped Long Island’s Jewish community create all kinds of exceptional memorials. By continuing to revere Jewish customs, we craft monuments that are as much a tribute to faith as to the lives of those we’ve lost.

We’ve celebrated and served Long Island’s Jewish community for decades. Each month, we examine and discuss the rich tapestry of tradition surrounding the Jewish faith. Judaism is among the world’s most ancient and revered religions. Therefore, it has a countless array of practices and customs when it comes to the end of life and funerals.

How to Avoid Emotional Overspending for Funeral Services

When a loved one dies, you may feel compelled to make a grand gesture, to show how much you loved them. This can lead to spending a lot of money on their Jewish funeral, depleting savings or even falling into debt. Elements like casket selection, flowers, or obituaries can all add up. As a result, it leads to a bill far beyond what your loved one would want you to pay. So, what exactly is emotional overspending, and how can you recognize and avoid it?


What is Emotional Overspending?

Emotional overspending is selecting services or merchandise due to the “need to have it” versus a necessary purchase. Your emotions may compel you to buy an ornate casket in the perfect style to compliment your mother’s outfit. Or, you may want to pay $1,000 in flowers, consolation gifts or even on an obituary (it happens). After suffering a terrible loss, it’s natural to want to prove that money is no object when saying goodbye.

Does this sound familiar? Many people experience this when planning for a wedding. You can be paying off a wedding dress for years, and it’s the same principle with a casket. Cars and vacations are another expense where emotional overspending is common. If you recognize some of these areas in your own life, it’s especially important to plan ahead. This will help you avoid overspending in moments of grief.

Woman and child standing by grave in mourning

Some Ways to Combat Overspending

There are several ways to combat emotion overspending, both for yourself, and for your family. The simplest thing to do is to plan ahead. We know that death is inevitable. So, begin by looking into life insurance or a pre-paid funeral contract. Either of these options will provide funds to take care of your funeral services. This means that your family will have the means to pay for it. It’s also important to discuss your wishes. Do you want to have a horse-drawn carriage carry your casket through the cemetery? Or maybe you want to ensure that a reception can be held afterwards at your favorite restaurant?

jewish headstone with raised base

By simply writing down your wishes, and discussing them, you can give your family peace of mind that they don’t need to spend an outrageous amount on you. This can ultimately help them through their grief. Spending time together and sharing love now will also reassure them that you know they love you, and when the time comes they may not feel that same sense of need to overspend. If you are the one making the funeral arrangements after a death has occurred, there are also ways to avoid emotional overspending in that moment.


Did you know?

In the same way you can pre-plan your funeral services, you can pre-plan your monument. Families may feel compelled to have a cemetery monument or headstone that is ornate and outside of the family budget. With so many etchings, lettering, epitaphs, and more to choose from, the cost can add up. A simple way to avoid this is to pre-plan your cemetery monument.


When Making Arrangements

You may feel overwhelmed in the moment of planning the funeral arrangements. Lots of different options are being thrown at you, and you will be under a tremendous amount of stress while being asked to make dozens of decisions. It is easy to get overwhelmed, or hyper-focused on a big ticket item. Remember that expensive casket? Six months after the funeral you won’t even remember what it looks like, but you’ll still be paying it off on your credit card.

  • Have a budget in mind going into the funeral arrangements. There will be some unavoidable costs, like the cremation fee, or the use of the hearse, but an overall sense of what you really have available to spend will help you in making your decisions.
  • Have a family member or close friend come to the arrangements to hold you accountable. You’ll be surprised how much this strength and support can help you stay on track.
  • Look to your family and friends for talents to use to personalize the service.  A poet who can write a special verse to read, or a musician who can sing or play an instrument can add value to the service. There are lots of creative, yet inexpensive ways to personalize a funeral service. This also serves to demonstrates your love for the deceased without stressing your budget.
jewish funeral

Remember, it is the experience itself that everyone will remember, but only you will be footing the bill.



At Fox Memorials, we’ve been guiding Long Island’s Jewish community through losses and grief for decades. By providing high-quality custom headstones and monuments, we help our clients say goodbye at fair and affordable rates. Jewish monuments are the most personal, enduring tributes to the lives and legacies of your lost loved one.

3 Common Mistakes of Memorial Planning

jewish mourning

Planning a funeral or memorial service is never easy, but after the loss of a loved one it is unavoidable. Naturally, during such a difficult time, making mistakes is a fairly common occurrence. In this post, we’ve come up with three common memorial planning mistakes you should avoid making. These apply whether you’re preplanning a service for yourself or after the loss of a loved one.

1. Not Exploring Funeral Providers

The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA)’s latest survey explores why this is a common mistake. Interestingly, the four primary reasons respondents selected a funeral home include experience at the home. Basically, they already knew the funeral director; the location; and its reputation.

Take the time to compare funeral providers in your area. It could save you money and help you locate “the best” funeral home, crematory or cemetery for your needs. Burial and cremation expenses can vary quite a bit depending on where you go. Often, you will receive the same products/services.

2. Not Asking Questions

Obviously, after the loss of a loved one, it’s hard to focus on anything other than your grief. Unfortunately, many people must plan the Jewish funeral or cremation service, which can involve making a lot of decisions. Of course, grieving can compel you to make quick decisions without exploring all of your options. Whether you’re planning a funeral in advance or after a loss, you should ask every question you have about the service.

Good funeral homes provide a wide range of resources to walk you through each step of planning a service for your loved one. In addition, they’ll answer all of your questions and never make you feel pressured as you make your arrangements, or steer you toward anything that you don’t want. Also, they’ll take the time to understand the type of service you need and explain the various product and service options available to help you arrange a meaningful, personalized service.

If you’re making arrangements after the loss of a Jewish loved one, it’s perfectly normal to ask someone you trust to attend the funeral arrangement meeting with you – especially if you think you’re not up to it alone, or want another opinion before you commit to something.

3. Not Telling Anyone

According to the NFDA, 62.5% of consumers feel that it’s important to share funeral wishes with family members, but only 21.4% did so in 2017. Maybe you’ve thought about your funeral in detail, right down to what you’d like to wear and which songs you’d like played. But if you don’t document and share your wishes, who will know?

Some people may just choose burial or cremation or casually mention their desires and think that’s all that’s needed. Grieving family members may not remember what you said you wanted or disagree about what they think you wanted. By documenting your plans with a funeral home – and letting your family know – you eliminate the confusion and take the burden off your family.

Conclusion – Fox Memorials

Of course, memorial planning can be an incredibly emotional and painful process. However, at Fox Memorials, we work hard to remove all of the stress and challenges of personalized Jewish family monument creation from the process. For decades, we’ve crafted Long Island’s Jewish community with stunning, one-of-a-kind monument creations that honor their lives and their faith.

10 Things You Should Know About Jewish Funerals

older woman with family member

In the Jewish tradition, there’s no honor more sacred than helping to bury someone, because it is a favor that cannot be returned. Also, it’s an honor people often avoid: death is frightening, graves are sad, and loss is painful. Of course, Jewish funeral etiquette is slightly different from secular or Christian American customs. In this post, we’ll explore ten things you should know about attending Jewish funerals. 

1. Don’t Stay Away

Obviously, it may be tempting to “have a prior commitment” when there’s a death that occurs within our circle of friends. However, it’s a positive thing to attend funerals, even when you have only a vague relationship with the deceased. Of course, the deceased won’t know you’re there, but to the mourners, it’s a comfort to be in the company of their community, especially their friends.

2. Your Presence is Important

Basically, you don’t need to say too much to mourners. In fact, the less said, the better. Obviously, nothing you say is going to heal their pain. What will help most is your presence at the funeral or at shiva. Sincerely express your condolences if you must, but in Jewish tradition, there’s no need to say anything at all unless the mourner initiates the conversation. Mostly, what will help is for you to let them know that they have supportive friends at their side. 

3. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Dress nicely, but wear sensible shoes if you’re going to the graveside. Cemetery grounds are often extremely plushy, often wet and muddy grass. If it will be difficult to walk in those shoes, they’ll be miserable in a cemetery. You don’t want to be trapped in the mud by very expensive (and ruined) stiletto heels.

4. Keep Behavior Respectful

If you find friends there, just remember that this is a funeral: speak quietly. Once the service begins, be quiet. Turn off your cell phone for the service.

5. Listening

There is very little required of the congregation at a funeral. Your job is simply to be present. There will be a few prayers, some psalms, a eulogy, and traditional prayers, El Maleh Rachamim and the Mourner’s Kaddish. Say “amen” along with the congregation, if you wish. The reward for listening is that you’ll learn things about this person that you didn’t know before. You may hear some wonderful stories.

6. Following Directions

The funeral director will give directions before and after the service. Do whatever he or she prompts you to do: park here, sit there, stand, don’t walk there.  Complying with directions is one way to support the mourners and give respect to the dead.

7. Graveside Etiquette

Some funerals move from a chapel to the cemetery, some are held at the monument’s graveside. And, if you don’t know the family well, it’s okay to attend the chapel service, and then skip the graveside service. It’s assumed to be more private. In addition, there will likely be chairs under an awning facing the open grave. Those chairs are for mourners; you do not want to sit in them unless you are a member of the family or disabled.

There will be a few prayers or readings, the casket will lower, and the officiant may assist the family in the ancient custom of shoveling earth into the grave. One or three shovelfuls is typical, and after the family, other attendees may assist. It’s a symbolic way of participating in caring for the body by putting it safely in the earth during burial. Again: follow directions; this is an extremely sensitive time for the family and you don’t want to disrupt the flow of the service.

8. Shiva Customs

There may be an announcement about shiva, the gathering at the home for (traditionally) seven days after the burial. If the family announces specific times, go only at those times. At the shiva house, remember that your presence is what matters. You cannot make their pain go away with words.

Mourners need time and space to mourn, and it is an act of kindness to give them the opportunity to do so. Usually, there’s a short service at the shiva house in the morning and evening. You can linger, but do not overstay: when people start leaving, go. Keep in mind that this is not a party, the mourners are not “entertaining.” Sending or bringing prepared food is a very nice thing to do; when in doubt, send kosher food.

9. Making Donations

Most families will designate a charity to which donations may be made in memory of the dead, and most non-profits are happy to send a card to the mourners telling them about your gift. Like consolation gifts, this is not required, but it is a very nice thing to do. Which brings us to:

10. You Won’t See These:

  • Flowers – instead, Jews give donations to a memorial fund. 
  • An open casket – We don’t look at a dead person unnecessarily, since they cannot look back at us.
  • A fancy casket – Traditionally, Jewish caskets are plain, unfinished wood.
  • Talk about the afterlife – Most Jews focus on doing good in this life. We don’t know for sure what happens after death, and we tend not to worry about it much. Some think there is an afterlife, some don’t.



Of course, there is much more to learn about Jewish funerals and mourning practice. And at Fox Memorials, helping Long Island’s Jewish community honor their loved ones with magnificent, enduring tributes to their loved ones with monuments is our daily mission. For more information on Fox Memorials or our services, contact us now. 

Journaling Through Grief: Five Ways It Can Help

White candle lit

Dealing with the loss of a loved one feels nearly impossible during difficult moments following their passing. As confusing as it is devastating, grieving can completely upend life as we know it. Therefore, you can never discover too many ways to navigate a loss or develop new coping skills. In fact, journaling is a simple, but effective, way to deal with these particular setbacks. 

Expressing your feelings, even on paper, can help you work through grief and even achieve a sense of balance and acceptance as much as your Jewish monument can. In this post, we’ll explore five exceptional benefits to journaling while grieving.

1. Process Your Grief

One of the main benefits of journaling after loss is that it helps you process your grief. The five stages of grief are difficult to understand while you’re experiencing them. However, a journal can help you navigate those stages instead of shoving away or denying your feelings. Journaling forces you to confront and acknowledge how you’re feeling regularly, giving you somewhere to direct and process those feelings. 

2. Have an Outlet

Sometimes, your emotions come out when you least expect them. Also, they tend to erupt during the most inconvenient or inopportune moments. Having a journal means that you can let these emotions out whenever they show up, which is something you can’t do if you’re suppressing how you feel. Not only that, but you can journal however much you want without the expense of mental health professionals. 

3. Record Your Memories

Another one of the major benefits of journaling after loss is the opportunity to record and commemorate your memories. It’s all too common to begin forgetting certain occasions that may be significant or comforting, and this can be problematic when it comes to advancing through that same grief. Journaling keeps track of the memories that you might lose otherwise. 

It also gives you a place to remember your loved ones instead of letting memories fade away with time. This is a more long-term benefit to grief journaling, but it’s something to keep in mind for the future.

4. Find Newfound Motivation

Motivation is an important factor in getting through grief, and a journal can give you that purpose to get through your days. It creates a schedule, and having a schedule is one of the most important things to keeping you on track while you’re living with grief.

5. Clarify Your Thoughts

When you’re dealing with grief, it can be difficult to think straight, which can make processing your emotions more difficult. Recording your day in a journal can be helpful to pull your thoughts together, helping you find strength and support, and to sort through your emotions and remain positive in difficult times.

What is Grief Journaling?

Grief journaling is the same thing as regular journaling, but with a focus on working through your grief little by little. The benefits of journaling at any stage of your life are amplified when you’re experiencing grief, so it can really help you work through difficult emotions more than a simple obituary.


At Fox Memorials, providing our clients with new ways to cope with loss and heal from grief is just as critical to us as the services we offer. For decades, guiding our community through difficult and traumatic periods has been a fundamental aspect of our mission. When dealing with a loss, we encourage you to try any means necessary to find peace and move forward while continuing to honor your loved ones. Therefore, journaling is an excellent way to process and cope with bereavement.


3 Ways to Offer Condolences to a Jewish Loved One

Woman and child standing by grave

Within Judaism, losing someone you love isn’t only about mourning. In addition, this period of bereavement is about reflection, family and faith. At Fox Monuments, we’ve done all we can to provide support and guidance to Long Island’s Jewish community for several decades. Part of our mission is to ease the stress and difficulty of this period in any and every way possible. Our monument services help mourners to honor their loved ones by crafting monuments that honor their lives, legacies and faith.

Of course, Judaism is a religion dating back thousands of years. As a result, there are countless rites and customs governing the loss of a friend or family member during the stages of mourning. For anyone unfamiliar with these traditions, it can leave you feeling unsure of how to offer condolences to someone within the faith. In this post, we’ll discuss how you can express your support to a Jewish loved one in a way that honors their religion.


1. Send Kosher Food & Baskets

A timeless Jewish tradition during times of grief is to provide the mourning family with a Meal of Consolation. Of course, providing a meal to a family mourning the loss of a loved one isn’t strictly limited to Judaism. Nowadays, many families of numerous faiths provide food to any neighbor or family member dealing with a loss.

To ease the family’s stress, the community often provides a meal for them. Therefore, the food, the kindness and the consideration all contribute to the overall impact of the gesture. This simple, but impactful, act of generosity can be an enormous comfort in the aftermath of a profound loss. Of course, when it comes to any food you want to donate, make sure it’s kosher before purchasing or preparing it.


2. Make a Donation

To honor their life, immortalize their name and help a good cause, making a donation in the name of the deceased is a great comfort to their family. Many choose to make donations directly to the synagogue where they worshipped.

Was there was a particular organization, club or charity they were passionate about? You can also choose to donate to them. Ultimately, any generous act in their honor will go a long way towards comforting their family.


3. Plant a Tree in Israel

This isn’t just a popular practice, it’s also a highly appropriate one. Of course, while we agree this can be an incredible gesture, the practicality of it may seem overwhelming. Luckily, several different organizations are in operation that can help you bring this gesture to fruition.

Organizations like the Jewish National Fund and Trees for the Holy Land help anyone looking to plant trees in Israel.

Trees have a special meaning in Judaism. Each year during Tu BiShvat, Jews celebrate the significance of trees within their faith. During this celebration, trees are acknowledged for their ability to sustain life with the fruit they bear. In addition, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life are both central in the Jewish creation stories. Ultimately, planting a tree in Israel is a great way to memorialize someone’s life and honor their faith at the same time.


Conclusion – Fox Monuments

No matter how you choose to express your sympathy, the gesture alone will undoubtedly be appreciated. Simply providing an ear to listen and  willingness to support will go a long way towards helping friends through grief.

Here at Fox Monuments, we’ll continue providing one-of-a-kind Jewish monuments to those looking for an enduring tribute to their loved one.

5 Things to Know About Jewish Loss

Jewish cemetery monument

The ways in which a Jew observes and celebrates Judaism are many. There is a variety of observation levels on Long Island.

At Fox Monuments, we can assist you with every detail. Whether you are Orthodox, Conservative, or Reformed, we have the perfect monument for your loved one. The sages once said that to be a Jew is to be Jewish enough. No matter how you observe, let us help you.

What You Need To Know

Whether you are Jewish or not, having lost a loved one or wanting to support those in mourning is a noble act. Surprisingly, it can be tricky if you’re unfamiliar with certain traditions or procedures.

1) Important Terms and Phrases

  • Alav Hashalom– “Peace be Upon Him/Her” Also written as A”H. This is the Jewish version of saying rest in peace.
  • Aninut- “Deep Sorrow”. This refers to a time period. It is the time in which the loved one learned of the death to the burial.
  • Baruch Dayan HaEmet- “ Blessed is the True Judge”. Words offered to the grieving immediate relative. These words are expressed traditionally as the relative tears the black piece of fabric they will wear on their clothes during Shiva.
  • Keriah “Tearing”. The immediate family performs this custom.  It is a small garment worn for 30 days after the burial. Siblings and spouses wear the Kriah on the right side whereas children wear it on the left.
  • Nihum Avelim- “Comfort the Living”. This is the act of consoling the mourners. This is one of the noblest acts a person can perform. Those who nihum avelim are amongst the those who possess chesed (grace, benevolence, kindness).
  • Zikhrono Livrahka– “May Their Memory Be a Blessing” – Also written as z”l. These words are meant to provide comfort. They reassure that the deceased will not be forgotten. The responsibility of carrying on the memory and stories of the one passed loved one now lies on the family and friends. Offered to bring comfort.


2) Ways to Honor the Deceased

  1. One of the most impactful ways to honor a deceased Jew is to ensure they receive a proper Jewish burial.
  2. Ensure that a Minyan is present at the burial services.
  3. Give tzedakah in honor of the deceased. Undoubtedly is a continuation of honor towards them.
  4. Visit the gravesite. Place a stone or pebble on the grave marker. Thus this shows loved ones that someone was there to honor the deceased.
  5. Upkeep of the gravesite. Make sure that the burial plot doesn’t become overrun with weeds.
  6. Name a new baby in honor of the deceased. The baby’s name can start with the first letter of the deceased’s name. The Hebrew name given to the baby may also reflect the deceased.


3) Differences in Ritual

There are three different observation levels in Judaism. There is reform, conservative and orthodox. Depending on where you are in the country or the world, there are different sects of Judaism within those denominations as well. Jewish people are free to observe in a way that serves them. There are a variety of different congregations, each honoring traditions and Halacha (Jewish Law) in their own ways.

Reform Judaism is the most recent denomination to come about. Their practices and observation will show this. They are less observant of Halacha than other sects. Orthodox Judaism observes Halacha strictly. Comparatively, conservative Jews are in between.

4) The Casket

Known as the Aron in Hebrew. There are no fancy caskets or casket shopping in Judaism. A traditional Jewish casket must meet certain criteria per Halacha. Pure pine wood is used to make the box. The casket has no metal on it. Some caskets may even have holes drilled in the bottom. This is to help aid in decomposition and allow the body to return to the earth.  Reformed Jews may not follow Halacha strictly. This doesn’t mean that the cemetery doesn’t have certain requirements for the Aron.

5) Covering Mirrors During Shiva

If you’ve ever paid a Shiva call, there may have been things in the home that wasn’t very familiar to you. There were no flowers. Instead, there were massive amounts of food and sweets being delivered. Lastly, all of the mirrors were covered. Death represents the literal juxtaposition between man and God. Humans are not invincible. Along with humanly traits comes ego. When looking in a mirror, the ego is very present. In order to take all the focus off of self, the mirrors are covered. In this way, the mourner is able to be present at the moment. All the focus is on the deceased.

We Can Help Navigate the Unknown

At Fox, we take the time to aid you in every decision. If you’re looking for the best place to get your Jewish monument on Long Island, look no further. From start to finish, our staff is with you to lend a listening ear and a compassionate suggestion. Whether picking the Hebrew inscription or setting the stone, let Fox monuments help you.

What’s the Significance of the Jewish Unveiling Ceremony?

jewish monument with stones on top

Some time has passed, your mind has had a bit of time to settle. You’re still grieving though. At Fox Monuments, we understand there is no time frame for grief. That’s why it’s important to us to help Long Islanders navigate every step of this process.

During the funeral and burial process, traditions are of the utmost importance in the Jewish faith. In this post, we’ll delve into the details of the Unveiling Ceremony, and the significance it holds for Jewish people.

When Does the Unveiling Ceremony Take Place?

The unveiling ceremony after the passing of a loved one traditionally occurs within the first year. Dictated by Jewish funeral traditions, the unveiling ceremony generally takes place at the end of the grieving process. According to Halacha (Jewish Law), the unveiling of the stone can occur between the end of Shiva and the Yahrzeit (year remembrance date). This time signifies final acceptance and being at peace with the passing of a loved one.

In modern times, it is also common for the unveiling ceremony to take place 30 days after the burial. With this timing, the unveiling ceremony takes place at the conclusion of the Shloshim, rather than the Yahrzeit. Work and/or school become priorities again after Shloshim. They are encouraged not to engage in leisurely activities.

The times are a little more flexible depending on your level of observation. Because the unveiling ceremony is more of a tradition, and less of a religious requirement, there is more flexibility than with other customs.

jewish headstone

Who is Invited to the Unveiling Ceremony?

The very nature of the ceremonious unveiling is intimate. However, as this is an ode to your loved one, you are free to choose the guests. Many times, the immediate, some extended family, and close friends are present. Comparatively to a funeral or Shiva call, there is no public announcement for an unveiling. A Rabbi can officiate the ceremony, but this is not necessary. Again, it all depends on the family’s level of observation.

How It Works

The beauty of Judaism is that there is room for interpretation. You can find a Rabbi and a congregation that celebrates and observes Judaism the way that suits you. Therefore, the order and actual events of the unveiling are up to you. Traditionally speaking though, the ceremony is usually short in time.

The immediate family of the deceased individual should arrive at the Jewish monument before anyone else. This allows them to greet others and thank them for attending. Before others arrive, though, it’s important for the immediate family to ensure that the cloth is adequately covering the gravestone.

Everyone gathers around the covered monument. The Rabbi in attendance will deliver selected readings from the book of Psalms, and lead those gathered in reciting prayers. Depending on the circumstances, the Rabbi or a family member will give a eulogy, commemorating the deceased. After the eulogy, those gathered will recite the traditional Memorial Prayer and the Kaddish. A Minyan (presence of 10 Jewish adults) is required to recite the Kaddish. This signifies the power of unity. If a Minyan is not present, the Kaddish will be skipped. Finally, the family will remove the monument covering. Additionally, if a Rabbi is not present, a member of the family can lead the ceremony.

What is the Significance of the Unveiling Ceremony?

jewish headstone with stones

The significance of the unveiling ceremony stems from a time when elaborate gravestones were uncommon. Before it became customary for families to assign this work to a professional, the families often built these headstones independently. These memorials ranged from stones with engraved names to more elaborate hand-decorated headstones. After working so hard to create a fitting monument, the unveiling ceremony displayed this commemorative stone to the world.

In the present day, Jewish families continue to carry out unveiling ceremonies in the same fashion.

Whether timely or unexpected, death can shake us all to our very core. The dedication of the stone that takes place at the unveiling serves a hefty purpose. By unveiling the head or footstone, we are marking and acknowledging the final resting place of our loved ones. When the grief begins to subside or we find ourselves overwhelmed, the final resting place can bring us peace.

Fox Monuments Can Help

At Fox Monuments, we understand the significance of funeral traditions. Our staff is committed to designing breathtaking monuments. These memorials will commemorate deceased individuals for a lifetime. Contact us for more information about how we can create a stunning monument for your loved one.

Ordering a Jewish Family Monument

jewish family

A monument’s purpose is to commemorate an individual. Monuments allow visitors to reflect on pleasant times they shared together. Families choose to celebrate their loved ones by pre-planning a Jewish family monument.


Ordering a Jewish Family Monument

At Fox Monuments, we regularly guide families through this difficult time. Contact our team with any questions or special requests.

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Why Pre-Order a Jewish Family Monument?

For many families, resting close to loved ones is significant. This arrangement offers families the opportunity to journey into the afterlife together, and rest eternally with each other.

Convenient Visitation

Ordering a Jewish family monument offers family members and friends convenient visitation. Instead of visiting several sites or cemeteries, families can have one reflective experience while paying respects.

Religious Reasons

Jewish scripture emphasizes the importance of family, especially during the difficult time of mourning. The entire grieving, burial, and shiva process relies on the support and care of family members. While not a requirement, Jews traditionally rest among family. Purchasing a Jewish family monument allows people to rest together eternally.

Preserving Your Legacy

Jewish family monuments offer a unique way to tell your family’s story, and preserve your legacy. While personalized monuments have similar design options, family monuments take this to the next level. Jewish family monuments tend to be larger than traditional upright headstones. In fact, many span several burial plots.

This larger headstone comes with additional space for further inscriptions. However, this does not include only text. Families may choose to have their crest inscribed, as a way to honor their roots.



Types of Jewish Family Monuments

Depending on the size of the family, there are several different types of Jewish family monuments available. Our Jewish monument artists can create unique and customized headstones, regardless of the complexity’s request.

Family Headstone

Larger headstones can be placed in a burial plot to indicate the place of several members of a family. These larger Jewish memorials are easier to notice as people walk through the cemetery.

Often, family headstones are accompanied by individual footstones. These footstones, or footmarkers, generally list individual details like name, dates, and more.

Double Headstone

Double headstones are a more common option than family headstones, as they are for couples. This burial is a testament to the love and joyous occasions shared through life. Double headstones are often a more economical choice than individual upright memorials, too.

Being buried with a bashert ensures a shared eternal resting place.

How do Family Monuments Work?

While some family monuments are designed to feature minimal details, like the last name, this is not always the case. Others can have detailed inscriptions for each member of the family. Additional details can be easily added later on, without the monument being removed, by a monument artist.

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