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double jewish headstone
How Are Double Jewish Monuments Inscribed?

The cemetery is the final resting place for a loved one. In order for the bond developed through...

jewish funeral candles
Jewish Funeral Ceremony and Burial Customs

Jewish religion and culture rely heavily on the unity of family. And, this custom extends into the grieving...

person reading torah at podium
What is the Kaddish, and Why is it Important?

For followers of Judaism, honoring the spirit and memory of the deceased is paramount. In addition to planning a...

man and woman grieving
The Jewish Stages of Mourning

Fox Monuments has served Long Island’s Jewish community for decades. We’ve provided guidance and support throughout difficult times...

jewish candles
How is the Body Cleaned Before Burial With A Jewish Monument?

Burying the body as soon as possible after death is central to Jewish burial traditions. Doing so allows...

The Significance of Yahrzeit Candles

Fox Monuments, as a provider of Jewish headstones, understands the significance of family to people of the Jewish...

Jewish Headstones and Memorial Symbols

Judaism is a religion with unparalleled history and ancient roots. At Fox Monuments, we have spent years providing...

hard boiled eggs on table
Choosing Consolation Gifts for Your Jewish Loved One in Mourning

When a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family suffers a loss, we want to help. This is a natural...

double jewish headstone
For My Bashert: A Double Jewish Headstone

A headstone should be a lasting testament to an individual’s life. With a beautiful headstone inscription, a description...

A yellow Maple Leaf is lying on gravestone with the star of David symbol. Jewish cemetery background
Jewish Practices Immediately Following Death

At Fox Monuments, we have years of experience as a leading provider of Jewish monuments for Long Island....

Two happy Jewish sisters looking at a beautiful menorah candelabra glowing on the eight day of Hanukkah Jewish holiday
Honoring Departed Loved Ones During Hanukkah

Hanukkah is, without a doubt, one of the most profound milestones within the Jewish faith. In simplest terms,...

grieving family
Preparing for Shiva: the Shiva Home

When someone in your family dies, there are a lot of things to take care of. One of...

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