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Cemetery Etiquette in Judaism

Mount Ararat Cemetery

Jewish funeral etiquette concerns the practice of comforting friends and family during the memorial. But did you know that there’s also specific etiquette within a cemetery? This etiquette outlines the expected behavior within graveyards.

Judaism is a religion with deep historical roots. As a result, there are many specific customs and rituals when it comes to death.


Kalut Rosh (“Levity”)

A cemetery is considered a holy place in Judaism. In fact, it’s as sacred as a temple. Our conduct must be proper and dignified. Essentially, we must be as respectful as possible.

Kalut rosh means the “spirit of levity.” Basically, it’s unruly behavior. The “spirit of levity” is strictly prohibited. And it’s not just forbidden at a grave. It’s forbidden throughout the cemetery.

Memorial bench in Jewish cemetery

Those in a cemetery cannot eat or drink. It’s not allowed at the unveiling ceremony, either. This is considered of the highest disrespect. Eating or drinking violates the deceased’s honor.

Naturally, those who enter cemeteries are expected to dress properly. It’s viewed as disrespectful to wear casual, everyday clothing.

Sitting or stepping on a gravestone is also kalut rosh. It is not forbidden to take a seat inside a cemetery. However, it is insulting to sit or step on a gravestone.

Any flowers that grow within a cemetery are to be left there. Picking flowers from a cemetery is forbidden.


Lo’eg Larash (“Slighting of the Dead”)

The “slighting of the dead” describes doing things the dead once enjoyed. In addition, specific religious rituals are included.

Reciting the Psalms or conducting formal services is considered insulting. Another slight to the dead is bringing a Torah into a cemetery.

Essentially, forbidding lo’eg larash discourages anyone from enjoyable activities inside a cemetery.


Memorial Gifts

Not all cemetery etiquette describes forbidden behavior. In fact, gifts are encouraged after the burial. Those who wish to honor the dead may do so. Everyone is encouraged to give in a spirit of charity and generosity.

Anyone may bring a token of their esteem within a cemetery. A selfless, holy gesture is bringing an article of sacred text.

Another ancient Jewish tradition is making a donation after death. It’s viewed as a tribute to the deceased. Donations are usually made during shiva. However, they can be made at any point in the name of the deceased.



At Fox Monuments, we take pride in crafting monuments that honor the lives of Long Islanders. Judaism is rich with culture and history. Therefore, we create monuments that befit the lives of Jewish men and women.

Fox Monuments has served Long Island’s Jewish community for years. Mostly, we strive to help ease the stress and confusion that comes with the loss of a loved one. We aim to honor your loved one with a beautiful Jewish monument. In addition, we try to honor the rich history of Judaism in the process.


How to Plan a Jewish Memorial Service

jewish headstone with stone on top

The death of a family member or close friend is always a difficult thing to accept. At Fox Monuments, we’ve spent years helping Long Island families through very trying and difficult times. We understand the grief that mourners feel. And we make every effort to provide the necessary support during this process. We serve our community by crafting beautiful Jewish monuments that honor the faith and the lives of loved ones.

Customs of the Jewish faith outline specific steps that families should take to overcome their sorrow. Arranging a Jewish memorial service, or memorial service of any kind, is not simple. And it requires a lot of communication and coordination. There are many Jewish practices immediately following death, and many that dictate the memorial service.

This post has been updated as of October 2019, from its original publication date of January 15th, 2015. It has been edited for consistency and updated information on our services.


Step 1: Contact Your Rabbi

Rabbis are the spiritual leaders of the Jewish community. Before ordering a Jewish monument, you should contact your local Rabbi. They can help you to organize the service. And they can help make the necessary connections.

Speaking with a rabbi can also help you to understand and accept your loss. They are the keepers of the Jewish faith. And they can provide the guidance and wisdom that can help you through.

Rabbis will also contact local funeral homes and cemeteries on your behalf. They can assist you in making contact with the necessary organizations. By helping you to make preparations, they can ease the burden.

The rabbi will also assist you in deciding who will sit with the body of the deceased until the time of the service. And this is one of the most critical traditions of the Jewish faith.

rabbi reading in library

Step 2: Memorial Considerations

Memorial traditions can differ slightly, depending on family tradition and the sect of Judaism. One common tradition across these sects is for the family of the deceased to tear their clothing. This is a significant action that symbolizes their profound loss. It’s usually done at the beginning of the service. And with Jewish memorial services, there is a specific etiquette to follow.

The eulogy is another very important aspect of the memorial service. And usually, the eulogy is critical to memorial services of any faith. Before the service, the family should meet and discuss who will be giving the eulogy. Boasting or exaggerating the details of their life is not permitted. But it’s important to deliver a heartfelt and thoughtful eulogy. The best practice when composing a eulogy is to focus on their admirable qualities and contributions.

While deciding on who will deliver the eulogy, figure out who will be reading the psalms. And more often than not, close friends or family members are selected as the best options.

Step 3: Burial

Once the ceremony has come to a close, the bereaved will proceed from the temple to the cemetery. And many families prefer to limit the burial ceremony attendance to family only. However, it’s considered an honor when many attend a burial to pay their respects. Many people choose burial alongside their loved ones with family monuments.

There are several burial customs of the Jewish faith. The headstone is usually already in place at the time of the burial ceremony. But because of Jewish tradition, it is veiled. This tradition began a very long time ago, when it used to take weeks for headstones to be finished.

The headstone unveiling ceremony usually takes place one year after the burial.

jewish headstone with star of david



At Fox Monuments, our primary goal has always been to provide as much comfort to mourning families as we can. A fitting Jewish monument is a central part of arranging a Jewish memorial service.

We take great pride in helping families through difficult times, and with minimal stress. Contact us to learn more about how we can craft a beautiful monument for your loved one.

Jewish Headstones and Memorial Symbols

Judaism is a religion with unparalleled history and ancient roots. At Fox Monuments, we have spent years providing Long Island with Jewish cemetery monuments and memorials to honor their loved ones. Helping our clients through difficult times is our highest priority.

Whether you wish to have a Jewish double monument inscribed or design an individual headstone, we recognize the importance of faith during times of grief.

There are many different memorial options to choose from when making arrangements for a burial. Jewish headstones feature unique symbols that distinguish them from other faiths.

This post has been updated in September 2019 from its original publish date of May 20th, 2015. It has been edited for consistency and updated information on our services.

5 Common Symbols for Jewish Headstones

1. Menorah

The Menorah is one of two universally recognized Jewish symbols. Moreover, it has great significance to the Jewish people. The Menorah is a candelabrum that supports seven candles, with lit candles in each slot.

The Menorah is a reminder to all Jews of the unity that binds them. Additionally, its beacon of hope to all other nations, which inspires all to share the light of godliness.

On a Jewish headstone, the Menorah represents commitment to their faith throughout their lifetime. Specifically, the Menorah is commonly inscribed on women’s headstones.

2. Star of David

Along with the Menorah, the Star of David is the most recognizable Jewish symbol. It is composed of two equilateral triangles that together create three knots.

The three knots within the star represent Israel, the Holy Land, the Torah and the Holy One. The Star of David was found on King David of Israel’s shield and is also on Israel’s national flag.

Used primarily on the headstones of men, the Star of David is a strong affirmation of one’s belief in Israel as a home for all Jewish people.

Jewish headstone with menorah
jewish monument with torah

3. Torah

The word “Torah” in Judaism has two very similar, but different, meanings. To some, the Torah describes the Jewish books in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. And, to others it comprises the entirety of the stories and teachings of the Jewish faith.

Studying the various texts of the Torah is considered a noble and self-improving practice, one that firmly affixes your roots in the morals of the Jewish faith. Inscribing the Torah on a headstone represents the enormous moral and spiritual growth one has accomplished throughout their lifetime in their pursuit of God’s wisdom.

5. The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life, also called the Kabbalah, is a symbol of the path one takes throughout their lifetime in order to reach God. It is regarded as a map of the universe, the creation of the cosmos, and the journey taken through life towards enlightenment.

The Tree of Life placed on Jewish headstones represents the figure at the very center of esoteric Judaism.

6. Two Hands

The symbol of two hands connected at the thumb, but separated at the middle and ring fingers, represents the blessings of the Cohen within the Jewish faith. “Cohen” is the Hebrew term used for priest. The term has biblical roots, and stems from the descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses, who were called “cohen.”

Two hands inscribed on a Jewish headstone is a representation of priesthood or a close relation to a Jewish priest.


Jewish Headstones at Fox Monuments

Having taken these symbols into consideration, whatever your needs may be, at Fox Monuments we can happily collaborate with you to create a fitting and lasting tribute to your loved one with any inscription, symbolic or otherwise, you might require. Contact us for more information.

Jewish Funeral Ceremony and Burial Customs

jewish funeral candles

Jewish religion and culture rely heavily on the unity of family. And, this custom extends into the grieving process as well. To abide by ancient customs, the Jewish funeral generally takes place as soon as possible after the death of a loved one. This helps the family to constructively process this grief, and move on with renewed strength thanks to love and support. In this blog post, we’ll describe the various parts of the Jewish funeral.


Jewish Funeral Traditions Depend on Local Customs

The location and structure of the funeral service can vary quite a bit depending on local traditions. However, this eventually proceeds to the burial site with the Jewish monument. The funeral service itself is generally held in one of five places:

  • The synagogue
  • The home of the deceased (or a family member)
  • A cemetery chapel
  • The funeral home

This practice tends to vary based on family and synagogue traditions.

jewish headstone with rocks on top


The Jewish Funeral Ceremony

Like the location of the funeral service, the format of the funeral can vary as well. There is no one accepted structure, but most funerals have these elements.

The Tearing of the Clothing

Before the service begins, the mourners traditionally gather in a separate room and rend their clothing. This custom, called keriah, is a physical expression of the grief that the mourners are feeling. In many circles, rather than ripping the garments, mourners will instead place a black ribbon that signifies their loss on the clothing.

Verse Readings

The first portion of many Jewish funeral services involves reading from the Torah and other Jewish literature/scripture. These readings help to console family members and friends who are grieving. They also help family members to reflect on the time and experiences shared with the deceased. Psalms 23, 15, 24, 90, and 103 are common choices.


The eulogy generally follows the verse readings as the next phase of the Jewish funeral service. And, like the Jewish monument’s epitaph, the eulogy is personalized, and specific to the deceased individual.

person reading torah at podium

During the eulogy, the speaker remarks on the significance and importance of the deceased individual. The family generally provides the rabbi with information about the deceased, so that the eulogy can be personal. They may discuss important moments spent with family, or their loving and devoted mindset. Highlighting personal accomplishments is another common part of eulogies.

It is also common for family members to eulogize their loved ones. In some circles, family members instead give eulogies during the home prayer service.

Memorial Prayer

The El Malei Rachamim prayer requests peace for the deceased individual from God, asking him to remember their righteous deeds. The congregation in attendance chants this prayer, affirming that the deceased is “sheltered beneath the wings of God’s presence.”


At the Site of the Grave

After chanting the memorial prayer in unison, the mourners then move to the site of the grave and the Jewish monument. This procession normally happens as a group. This procession normally stops either three or seven times to signify the mourners’ difficulty in saying goodbye.

Prayers at the Gravesite

Once the funeral procession has reached the gravesite and the Jewish monument, they then begin praying. This series of prayers may include the El Malei Rechamim, as well as other memorial prayers.

Mourner’s Kaddish

After the initial graveside prayers, the family in attendance then begins reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish. Instead of mentioning death, this prayer proclaims the family’s belief in God’s greatness and good will. While the Jewish monument will occasionally be installed, it is generally covered until the monument unveiling ceremony.


In accordance with the mitzvah of accompanying the dead for burial, the family contributes by throwing dirt into the grave. This symbolic gesture signifies the family’s devotion to being there for the deceased individual.

While the mourners depart, it’s considered proper etiquette for others in attendance to offer consoling remarks. From the cemetery, it’s traditional for the family to travel to the shiva home, where they eat the meal of consolation.

man and woman hugging


Jewish Monuments on Long Island

At Fox Monuments, we are dedicated to creating headstones that accurately commemorate your loved ones. Our team is always available to offer support and guide you through the decision making process.

How Are Double Jewish Monuments Inscribed?

double jewish headstone

The cemetery is the final resting place for a loved one. In order for the bond developed through life to continue in the afterlife, many families prefer to be buried in the same cemetery. It’s also common for married couples to arrange for burial in the same cemetery plot. The double Jewish monument allows couples to be buried with a bashert, a lifelong partner. Read on to learn how the double monument ordering process works, and how the second side is inscribed later on.


Ordering a Double Jewish Monument

The time after a loved one passes away can be busy and involve making lots of arrangements. While some people choose to pre-plan a Jewish monument, others take care of this process after a loved one passes away. When this loved one is your spouse, it may make sense to order a double monument.

Many couples that share a long and happy partnership discuss this question at some point. In addition to helping loved ones share a resting place, this arrangement has several other benefits. Sharing a Jewish headstone is a financially smart decision, as the cost is cheaper than two single monuments. It can also make visiting more convenient for family members.

Some people choose to pre-plan a monument, but many people do not order a monument for their loved one until after they pass away.

Double Jewish Headstone from Fox Monuments

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How Are Double Jewish Headstones Designed?

The layout of the headstone inscription can vary based on the particular choices made by the family.

Last Name

Most couples who choose this option share a last name. So, unlike single monuments, the last name is placed at the top of the double monument, apart from the rest of the inscription. The rest of the inscription is specific to each partner, and placed on either side.

First Name

The first name for each individual is inscribed at the top of both sides of the monument. Sometimes, the first name will be preceded by the Hebrew phrase “ פּ״נ”, which translates to “Here lies”. Depending on personal preference, the name may also be
inscribed in Hebrew.


There are a wide variety of Jewish Symbols Jewish symbols that have meaning and significance on headstones. On double Jewish monuments, it’s common to place symbols on either side of the last name, between the two sides of the monument, or alongside the individual’s first name. However, this decision is left up to the family. Common Jewish headstone symbols include the Menorah, the Star of David, and the Torah.

Family Relationships

When creating the inscription for a double Jewish headstone, many families choose to include the relationships of the deceased. For example, grandparents may have “beloved grandfather” inscribed on the headstone. This reminds visitors of the role that they played in life.


The birth and death dates signify the beginning and end of life on earth. While this placement can vary, they are generally placed below either the name, or the relationships.


An epitaph can offer a meaningful insight into one’s life through a quote, poem, snippet of scripture, or song lyrics. On double Jewish headstones, the epitaph is placed below everything else. Depending on the size of the monument, the couple might instead have one epitaph at the bottom.


How Is the Second Side of a Double Jewish Monument Inscribed?

For families who choose to order a double Jewish headstone, this is a common question. Because the headstone is placed in the ground after the first person passes away, the second side of the headstone is not always inscribed. At the very least, it will not have the date of death. These details can be added without removing the monument from the cemetery.

Our monument engravers can match the style of the existing text and add in the new lettering. Before doing so, they will render a proof of how the finished monument will appear, to ensure accuracy.


Double Jewish Headstones Long Island

Fox Monuments is wholly committed to helping families make arrangements with minimal difficulty. Our staff is dedicated to helping you create a lasting and fitting monument that will commemorate your loved one.

The Significance of Yahrzeit Candles

Fox Monuments, as a provider of Jewish headstones, understands the significance of family to people of the Jewish faith. We also deeply respect the practice of paying tribute to and commemorating deceased loved ones. Jewish traditions are critical to the stages of mourning and burial.

In the Jewish faith, these cultural traditions extend well beyond the time of death. Yahrzeit candles are central to this tradition, with great significance to the grieving process.

Public domain image, royalty free stock photo from

What Does a Yahrzeit Candle Represent?

In Yiddish, “Yahrzeit” translates to “time of year.” Therefore, Yahrzeit candles commemorate the one-year anniversary of a loved one’s death. By burning this candle, Jewish people show their love and appreciation for family members who have passed on. The candle, wick and flame all represent the human soul and body.

The flickering of the candle represents the fragility of life. Additionally, it represents the high importance of life and family. Like a Jewish headstone, lighting a Yahrzeit candle is one of the most important ways to remember a loved one.

When is the Appropriate Time to Light Yahrzeit Candles?

Yahrzeit candles are lit at sundown on the eve of the Yahrzeit, or the anniversary of a loved one’s death. They’re also lit at sundown on religious holidays, such as Yom Kippur, Sukkoth, Passover and Shavuot.

These candles should burn naturally until they cannot anymore, rather than being extinguished. It’s acceptable to light a Yahrzeit candle on the day of the anniversary if you forget the night before.

It is also customary to burn a Yahrzeit candle throughout the Shiva.

Who Should Light The Candles?

In a similar vein to the burial and installation of a Jewish headstone, Yahrzeit candles are generally reserved for immediate family members. This includes spouses, parents and children. Each family member should light a candle, unless they live in the same household. They should do this for each family member who has passed on.


Are There any Accompanying Customs?

There is no specific prayer the Jewish faith requires during a Yahrzeit. However, saying the Mourner’s Kaddish is a common tradition in some families.

There are many celebrated readings that mourners recite at Jewish memorials. It’s important to remember the life and legacy of those you lost when selecting a poem or text to read during the service. Whichever piece (or pieces) best reflects your loved one is the optimal one to read aloud.

It is customary to honor the memory of the deceased during this time. Reflection on the positive memories of your loved ones, and the happy times you shared, is a fitting tribute for their life. Sharing the positive stories of your loved ones will keep their memory alive forever.



At Fox Monuments, our primary goal has always been to provide as much comfort and support to mourning families as we can. We make every effort to remain respectful to and considerate of the grieving process as you order your Jewish headstone.

We take great pride in helping families through difficult times, and with minimal stress. Contact us to learn more about how we can craft a beautiful monument for your loved one.

Jewish Mourning Customs: The Meal of Consolation

jewish meal of consolation bread

The stages of mourning in Judaism are intended to help family members overcome the emotional challenge of losing a loved one. While the deceased individual is buried with the Jewish monument at the beginning of this process, these traditions continue beyond this moment. In fact, Jewish mourning customs such as the shiva help people to manage these difficult emotions for a long period of time. The meal of consolation, which has been an important Jewish ritual for years, is part of this process. Read on to learn more about how to plan the meal of consolation, and its role in the grieving process.

What is the Meal of Consolation?

The meal of consolation, also known as the meal of condolence, is one of the many ways in which family and friends help families through this difficult time. To ease the stress of the family, the community often provides a meal for the mourning family. So, both the presence of the food and the warm gesture contribute to the impact of the meal of condolence. This much-needed gesture can be quite comforting after burying a loved one with a Jewish monument.

person moving dirt into grave


When Does the Meal of Consolation Take Place?

After burying a deceased family member beneath a Jewish monument, most people are stricken with grief. This is understandable, especially for people who have many treasured memories with their loved ones. The meal of consolation takes place after this burial process, with the goal of easing these negative emotions.


Washing Hands Before the Meal of Consolation

Following the burial, most families retire to the home where the shiva will take place. Before entering the home, it is traditional to wash one’s hands with a pitcher of water, which is placed outside. This tradition is intended to remove any impurity that contact with the deceased may have caused. The home of the shiva is generally the first place people visit after departing from the Jewish monument.


Traditional Meal of Consolation Foods

Unlike other traditional meals, meal of consolation foods are not based on heritage. Instead, foods normally consumed during the meal of condolence should be round. This is because round foods represent the cycle of life, and how as one life ends, others continue. However, there are other foods that are normally included as well.


  • Bread or rolls: In addition to being round, bread and rolls also represent the essence of life. Many people across several civilizations have relied on bread and rolls for sustenance. This is significant during the Meal of Condolence.
  • Hard boiled eggs: Eggs are another staple of the meal of consolation. As eggs continue to boil, they gradually harden. This process mirrors the way that we must remain strong during a time of loss. The egg will also remain inside the shell, which reminds mourners to refrain from speaking of idle topics.
  • Lentils: As compared to many similar beans, lentils have no mouths or eyes. So, eating lentils symbolizes how people who have passed on cannot be seen, and people mourning a loss should not speak to others.
  • Beverages: While they do not carry the symbolic value that other dishes have, it’s also traditional to serve coffee, tea, and wine. However, mourners should do so only socially, and should not become drunk.
hard boiled eggs on table


Who Participates in the Meal of Consolation?

Traditionally, the meal of consolation was reserved only for members of the family. The same was true for burial, the preceding service, and the Jewish monument unveiling one year later. In recent years, however, this has changed. Depending upon the preferences of the family, others may be invited to participate in the meal of consolation. Close friends and extended family should wait for an invitation, rather than assume they are invited to participate.


Create the Perfect Jewish Monument

At Fox Monuments, we understand the importance of purchasing the right Jewish monument for your loved one. Especially during this time of stress, our staff is here to provide everything you need. Our team of skilled Jewish monument artists can incorporate beautiful symbols and other imagery to create a fitting memorial. If you need a Jewish headstone for your loved one, contact us.

How are Jewish Monuments Created?

jewish monment
jewish monument creation

In the Jewish burial tradition, monuments play an important role in the grieving process. While they remain veiled until one year after the passing of your loved one, the Jewish monument is a place that friends and family can go to appreciate precious memories. Modern monument creation techniques allow for many features and a substantial amount of detail. This modern process helps to create a strong and fitting memorial for the deceased, and loved ones to appreciate it during visitation. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how we create Jewish monuments with the sandblasting technique.


The Sandblasting Technique Has Not Always Been Around

As previously mentioned, the Jewish unveiling ceremony is central to the memorial customs. It originated because, in ancient times, Jewish people would independently create memorials. This entire process was completed with only hand tools, requiring plenty of time and energy. So, after finishing this arduous process, they would proudly display the completed headstone to family during the ceremony.

The modern custom stems from that origin, and still allows families to appreciate the Jewish monument, and loved ones.


What is Sandblasting?

Sandblasting is a method through which people who work with stone can smooth it. This quick-yet-accurate process has changed the game for Jewish monument creators. There are four primary steps to the sandblasting process.


4 Steps to Sandblasting

1. Concept and Image Rendering Process

Before the stone sandblasting machine can do its job, the Jewish monument artist must have an idea in mind. To create a Jewish headstone, there are several choices that a family member or friend must make for the inscription. People must select how the name will appear, whether or not there will be an epitaph, and a picture, if they choose.

After choosing these important details, the Jewish monument artist then begins rendering the image with CAD software. This means formatting the various aspects of the headstone the same way that they will appear on the final headstone.


2. Creating the Template for Sandblasting

Once the final design has been rendered through CAD software, and accepted by the family of the deceased, the next step is building a template. For the headstone to have the maximum level of detail (and quality), the template must be highly accurate.

In order to create such a template, Jewish monument creators use a very specific printer. This printer will create a rough template, with the details of the design outlined. Then, the monument design artists cut out these outlined sections, which are weaker than the rest of the material. The Jewish monument artist generally uses a stencil in order to accomplish this. This ensures that the letters, headstone symbols, and all other features are clearly separated from the stencil. With the quality of the completed Jewish headstone in mind, we always create the headstone with the highest level of care.


3. Sandblasting

Now that the stencil has been created, it’s time for the Jewish monument artist to begin shaping the headstone. The first phase of this process is affixing the template to the headstone, generally using glue.

Next, the headstone is placed inside of a sandblasting booth. The Jewish monument artist stands outside of the booth, and directs heat to the specific areas of the headstone. In doing so, he or she can expose the unpolished layer of stone, creating the detailed sections of the headstone. And, the rest of the headstone will remain polished, creating a beautiful monument. The Jewish monument artist will sandblast some sections more than others, creating contrast. This process allows us to shape your ideal monument, and produce a beautiful final product.


4. Final Embellishments By Hand

After the bulk of the monument is created, the Jewish monument artist will refine these designs with hand tools. Using highly specific hand tools, the monument artist will add detail to certain parts of the design.


The Sandblasting Technique Won’t Work for All Designs

Unfortunately, there are some monument designs that are too complicated for the sandblasting technique. Some more complex images require an attention to detail that this machine simply can’t accommodate. Graphics that depict a person, or highly detailed images must be inscribed by the Jewish monument artist by hand.


Jewish Monument Design and Inscription

At Fox Monuments, we excel in helping you to remember your loved ones. Our monument artists are committed to creating headstones with an unparalleled level of detail. With your family in mind, we will create a monument that will last for years to come, and help others recall positive memories.

How is the Body Cleaned Before Burial With A Jewish Monument?

jewish candles

Burying the body as soon as possible after death is central to Jewish burial traditions. Doing so allows the family and friends of the deceased to begin their progression along the Jewish mourning process. But, before the body can be buried, it must be cleaned. This practice, called Taharah, is an important element of preparing for burial. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the spiritual significance of Taharah, and why the body should be cleaned before being buried with the Jewish monument.


What is Tahrah?

Taharah is the ancient practice of cleaning the body of a deceased Jewish person before burial. This cleaning process is performed by a trained individual.

While there are certainly hygienic benefits to washing the body before burial, Taharah is not a purely hygienic process. Rather, the primary goal is to prepare the body (and consequently, the spirit) for burial, and progression to the afterlife. So, when buried with the Jewish monument, the body has been fully prepared.

jewish headstone with star of david

Who is Tasked with Cleaning the Body?

Cleaning the body in the Jewish funeral tradition is considered a high honor. And, it is not bestowed upon family members, or even close friends. Rather, individuals who are part of chevra kadisha societies are charged with cleaning the body of deceased individuals.

These societies do maintain and follow their own strict guiding procedures as well. First, people are only allowed to wash bodies of the same gender. Men may only wash men, and women may only wash women. This custom exists to maintain a level of modesty, even in death. To prevent additional grief during a time of extreme sadness, family members are not asked to participate in this tradition. Like the process of the rabbi leading the Kaddish prayer alongside the Jewish headstone, the chevra kadisha perform this prayer in a practiced manner.

The members of the chevra kadisha who are performing the ritual also recite prayers and psalms, with the goal of sending the spirit into the afterlife in a fully cleansed state. Once the body has been fully cleaned, the chevra kadisha place a prayer shawl or other religious garment over the body. While being buried beneath the Jewish headstone, the individual traditionally wears this garment.

In order to find members of the chevra kadisha in your area, you should consult your rabbi.


Who Watches the Body Before it is Cleaned?

From the time of death until the time of burial alongside the Jewish monument, the body of a deceased individual is never left alone. This custom, called Shemira, began as a way to prevent thieves and animals from tampering with the body. Now, it lives on as a way to show respect to and comfort the deceased, while also comforting the family.

The individual who guards the body is called a shomer. Shomers are either selected from a chevra kadisha, or from the congregation. While guarding the body of the deceased, shomers are restricted from eating, drinking, and other recreational activities, as a sign of respect.

So, before the body is washed by the chevra kadisha, it is watched over by one or several shomers. While this practice is not as common in modern times as it once was, Orthodox Jews generally still follow this tradition, along with the Jewish headstone unveiling tradition.


What is the Spiritual Significance of Washing the Body?

Taharah is also an expression of the cyclicality of life. Following birth, newborn children are washed, to attain a level of spiritual purity. Taharah enables deceased individuals to depart from this world with that same level of purity.

The process of the taharah reflects its spiritual importance. The individual performing the cleaning also recites prayers, asking God to forgive any sins committed by the deceased. These prayers also ask God to watch over the deceased.


Decorating the Casket

At one point in time, it was considered a common and respectful practice to place flowers next to the body. The scent of the flowers would offset the scent of the body, and create a more pleasant environment. However, this tradition is no longer associated with Judaism, and has become entirely a Christian custom. Rather than funding floral arrangements, many Jewish families request that donations be made in the name of the deceased.

During grave visitations, many Jews also refrain from bringing flowers to the Jewish monument. Instead, they generally decorate the headstone with rocks.

rocks on headstone


Understanding Jewish Monument Traditions

At Fox Monuments, we are prepared to help you through this process at every step of the way. Our experienced team will guide you through the memorial purchasing process, and give you the information you need to make informed decisions. Contact us to begin ordering a monument, or check out our selection.

History of Memorial Day

At Fox Monuments, we have great respect for everyone who has made it their purpose to serve our country. We have created countless memorials for veterans who, at some point in their lives, served our country. We have also built headstones to honor soldiers who have lost their lives in service of the military. Finally, we have created Jewish family monuments with specific symbols for families with an individual who served in the military. So, Memorial Day carries great importance to us. Read on to learn about the origins of Memorial Day, and how it is still significant to us today.

Civil War

The Civil War carries the unfortunate accolade of being the war that resulted in the most American deaths in history. As the only formal military conflict where Americans fought other Americans, it remains unmatched in death count even to this day. Following this conflict, families across the nation mourned for a long time. To honor their fallen soldiers, people in many towns held memorial services in the spring, saying commemorative prayers and decorating headstones.

One of these towns was Waterloo, NY. During the May of each year, there was a community-wide event in which businesses closed to join in commemorating soldiers who lost their lives during the Civil War. This tradition started in 1866.

civil war

The Civil War carries the unfortunate accolade of being the war that resulted in the most American deaths in history. As the only formal military conflict where Americans fought other Americans, it remains unmatched in death count even to this day. Following this conflict, families across the nation mourned for a long time. To honor their fallen soldiers, people in many towns held memorial services in the spring, saying commemorative prayers and decorating headstones.

One of these towns was Waterloo, NY. During the May of each year, there was a community-wide event in which businesses closed to join in commemorating soldiers who lost their lives during the Civil War. This tradition started in 1866.

In 1868, General John A. Logan, the leader of a veteran organization from the North, spread the idea of this day of remembrance across the nation. He referred to this day as “Decoration Day”, in which the community would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers. By 1890, each state recognized Decoration Day as a state holiday.

World War I

While the death count did not match the Civil War, World War I was another especially bloody conflict for the U.S. So, people sought to honor veterans of this conflict in a similar way. Instead of honoring only veterans of the Civil War, Decoration Day, now known as Memorial Day, honored veterans of all military conflicts.

In 1968, Congress passed a law making Memorial Day a federal holiday.

Some Southern states have a separate day of remembrance intended solely for soldiers who gave their lives for the Confederacy. Confederate Memorial Day is most prominent in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Georgia.

Modern Traditions

Even after time has passed, Memorial Day still remains a cornerstone of American culture. The solemn tradition of placing wreaths and flags on soldiers’ graves is still widely practiced. In Arlington National Cemetery, a cemetery located in Virginia, the president or vice president delivers a speech about the importance of respecting service men and women’s contributions, and places a wreath over a soldier’s grave. The playing of taps generally follows this.

Americans celebrate the contributions of soldiers in other ways, too. Many people hold Memorial Day barbeques, both as a way to give thanks to soldiers who have passed, and to start the summer.

memorial day flower arrangement

Jewish Family Monuments

At Fox Monuments, we are dedicated to providing veterans with a respectful and fitting testament to their lives. We create Jewish family monuments and single memorials to pay tribute to their contributions. Contact us for more information about how we can create a monument suitable for you or your loved one.