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White candle lit
Journaling Through Grief: Five Ways It Can Help

Dealing with the loss of a loved one feels nearly impossible during difficult moments following their passing. As...

Woman and child standing by grave
3 Ways to Offer Condolences to a Jewish Loved One

Within Judaism, losing someone you love isn’t only about mourning. In addition, this period of bereavement is about...

Jewish cemetery monument
5 Things to Know About Jewish Loss

The ways in which a Jew observes and celebrates Judaism are many. There is a variety of observation...

hard boiled eggs on table
Choosing Consolation Gifts for Your Jewish Loved One in Mourning

When a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family suffers a loss, we want to help. This is a natural...

jewish monument with stones on top
What’s the Significance of the Jewish Unveiling Ceremony?

Some time has passed, your mind has had a bit of time to settle. You’re still grieving though....

jewish family
Ordering a Jewish Family Monument

A monument’s purpose is to commemorate an individual. Monuments allow visitors to reflect on pleasant times they shared...

man and woman grieving
3 Quick Tips for Writing An Obituary

As we all know, a loved one’s death usually leaves us with an extensive list of responsibilities to...

Jewish headstone with menorah
Selecting an Inscription for Your Loved One’s Memorial

A monument’s purpose is to memorialize your loved one, and help you remember their legacy. In doing so,...

grieving family
3 Ways to Protect Loved Ones In Crisis

With exceptional craftsmanship and compassionate service, we do our part to guide mourning families through painful and difficult...

jewish monument with star of david
Tzedakah: Righteous Giving

The Jewish faith is rich with history, tradition and specific customs. Every religion has their own, singular viewpoints...

jewish headstone with star of david
How To Choose The Right Jewish Headstone Company

At Fox Monuments, we have been working with Long Island’s Jewish community for decades. Our mission is to...

hebrew text
5 Common Hebrew Inscriptions for Jewish Headstones

Originally published on December 28, 2018, this post has been updated for relevancy and accuracy. Making arrangements after...