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jewish headstone with stones
Flowers at Jewish Funerals: Why They’re Not Appropriate

Month by month, we discuss the rich and complex Jewish traditions surrounding death and mourning. Judaism is among...

jewish headstone with stones
Shiva: A Guide for Non-Jews

Fox Monuments, being a provider of Jewish memorials and headstones, naturally explores Jewish customs in our posts. Judaism...

rabbi reading book
What Role does the Rabbi Play in Mourning?

The rabbi plays a critical role in the Jewish mourning process, as a key point of guidance and...

3 Important Readings for Jewish Mourners

When it comes to the Jewish stages of mourning as well as the memorial services, those bereaved from...

rending garments
Rending the Garments: What is Keriah?

This post has been updated from its original publication date of May 21st, 2018. It has been edited...

Mount Ararat Cemetery
Cemetery Etiquette in Judaism

Jewish funeral etiquette concerns the practice of comforting friends and family during the memorial. But did you know...

jewish headstone with stone on top
How to Plan a Jewish Memorial Service

The death of a family member or close friend is always a difficult thing to accept. At Fox...

jewish funeral candles
Jewish Funeral Ceremony and Burial Customs

Jewish religion and culture rely heavily on the unity of family. And, this custom extends into the grieving...

double jewish headstone
How Are Double Jewish Monuments Inscribed?

The cemetery is the final resting place for a loved one. In order for the bond developed through...

jewish meal of consolation bread
Jewish Mourning Customs: The Meal of Consolation

The stages of mourning in Judaism are intended to help family members overcome the emotional challenge of losing...

jewish monment
How are Jewish Monuments Created?

In the Jewish burial tradition, monuments play an important role in the grieving process. While they remain veiled...

History of Memorial Day

At Fox Monuments, we have great respect for everyone who has made it their purpose to serve our...

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