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Single Jewish Headstones

Single Jewish headstones serve as a testament to the uniqueness of the departed. In order to express that, there is typically more room on a single headstone for inscriptions or symbols. The feelings of the departed’s spouse are strongly considered when a single headstone is chosen. The surviving spouse does not have to feel awkward about visiting the uninscribed second half of the monument. Instead, a second single stone can be created in the future. This stone will match the original.

The inscription of a single Jewish headstone will read the individual’s name, beloved wife, or husband etc. Following that will be the date of birth and death, and a special epitaph. There is also more room allowed for symbols and prayers. The inscription can vary, but should be very representative of the individual. St. Charles Monuments offers single Jewish headstones that are not only beautifully crafted, but serve as a testament to tradition and expression of faith.

We have a vast knowledge of all Jewish cemeteries rules and regulations in the Long Island, New York area. Please contact us with any question or concerns, you may have with choosing the right location and materials.

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